Thursday, 2 November 2017

Happy Samhain

Merry meet, and a happy Samhain to all readers.

What a sabbat it was!
What did you guys get up to? Share in the comments, I'd love to read what you guys have been doing.

Matt and I waited in for trick or treaters, which is always fun.
Then I spent an evening with my witch sister, Suzie. She made me magical mulled cider, and I broke her 'Nightmare Before Christmas' Virginity. Then we made midnight margaritas, and watched 'Practical Magic'.
 When I came home, it was time for my favourite part of Samhain - ritual work, and my 12 card spread for the new year.

This is a shot of my altar, looking all mystical in the candle light.

Let me turn the lights on, so you can see what's going on!

Along with my Directional correspondence, my altar had Crow feathers, to call in and honour the Morrigan, My Pentagram, white flower petals, and parts of a roe deer skull, so I could harness the energy from ancestors and nature.

Directional Correspondance;
North - Earth
East - Air
South - Fire
West - Water

As I do every Samhain, I pulled 12 cards to tell my what the new year has in store for me.
It is always a perfect and magical way to end Samhain.
Never forget to give an offering to the Gods you've worked with; I cast a little of my blood in the fire in thanks to the Morrigan - she is a Goddess of war after all.

This work left me utterly drained for the day following Samhain.
Large ritual work definitely takes it's toll, so be wary that you don't plan much for the following day. My body was hurting, my emotions were all over the shop, and my physical and mental state were utterly drained. Especially around Samhain and Beltane, the veil between the worlds is so thin, it is easy to tap into a lot of magical energy.
After any ritual work, be sure to drink plenty of water, and have a comfortable place to sit down, for atleast a few minutes.

Blessed Be

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