Carnelians name heralds from the Latin word "carnis", translating to "flesh". It most likely received this name due to it's colour. Carnelian also used to be known as Cornelian, deriving from the Latin word "cornum", translating to "cherry".
In Ancient Egypt, Carnelians were used in protection magic for both the living and the dead. They used to be carved into the symbol of Isis, and placed on the neck of a mummy for protection and safe passage. The living would carry Carnelian in the shape of 'The Eye Of Horus', which would protect them from the evil eye.
During the Roman times, Carnelian was typically found engraved with the head of a lion. It was worn or carried into battle, to give it's bearer courage.
Courage is one of Carnelians strongest magical attributes. Whilst it enhances physical energy, and increases courage, it does so by making you tap into your personal power. Carnelian has strong links with your second Chakra, 'The Sacral Chakra' - which relates to your sense of self. It works in harmony with your five senses, aswell as increasing sexual desire. I keep 2 small pieces of Carnelian under my bed, to keep passion ignited. It is wonderful to work with in any sex rite, or self-gratification magic.
Carnelians element is Earth and Fire (probably why it's so powerful in sex magic) Circling your candle with Carnelian will increase any fire magic you are performing.
Carnelian stirs up action inside it's wearer, which makes it one of my favourite crystals.
Do you have any experiences with Carnelian?
Feel free to share them here.
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